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MNKnowledge - партньорска организация на Gameloft Bulgaria, обявява безплатно онлайн обучение по C++, което ще стартира в средата на юли, а след неговия край участниците ще имат възможност да останат в екипа на Gameloft като служители.

Вече можете да кандидаствате за GAMELOFT Summer DEV School в София и #online.

Gameloft Summer DEV School 2023 is one of a kind EdTech initiative, developed in partnership with MNKnowledge, aiming to provide young professionals with practical C++ knowledge and understanding of the game development specifics.

It’s been developed as a 2-weeks learning programme that includes solving a series of real C++-based gaming problems, tech talks and lots of fun with the talented dev team of Gameloft Bulgaria.

Those of you who perform well during the programme and pass the final test will have the opportunity to take part in the recruitment process and join the Gameloft team in the position of Junior C++ Game Developer.

Запишете се за участие на https://bit.ly/41AotyQ .

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